Here at Challenger Sails UK we supply the very best windsurfing sails and wingsurfing wings. Designed and conceived in Italy Challenger Sails and wings are geared for utmost performance that every rider can make use of. Claudio Badiali’s renowned sail shaping techniques have ensured Challenger Sails were the winning sail brand, taking home the PWA Slalom Championship trophy in 2022, with Maciek Rutkowski the pilot. If you want your own high quality windsurfing sails, or wings, then you’ve come to the right place.

Tag: windSUP

  • Windsurfing fresh looks – alternative wind powered ways.

    Windsurfing fresh looks – alternative wind powered ways.

    Windsurfing isn’t the one trick pony you think you know. There’s more than one way to skin a cat – so the old saying goes. And that’s especially true with windsurfing. Sure, you have standard windsurf disciplines – wave sailing, slalom, course racing (race board), formula, freestyle and freeride – but these days there’s so…